
I'm in an Italian mood!

Hi there!
I know I haven't posted anything in a while...Been pretty busy!
Here is an old tv ad featuring a funny Italian guy!
By the way, let me explain why i'm in an Italian mood. It's just that i've been teaching "French as a foreign language" at university this summer & many of my students came from Italy & they were all very nice & funny (as well as those coming from other parts of the world, of course!!) So here i am, pining over the "loss" of my students. But i've got over it now & i'm soon to teach at the university of London, i.e to brand new British students! So, gotta go back to my stressful packing (i have to move out in less than a week) & PhD conference paper writing (that i'd ideally love to finish before leaving...) & to tears-inducing friend-gathering-for-a-last-goodbye event!
Enjoy the video (in French, though I think it was originally "imported" from Germany)


Anonymous said...

Oui, j'ai vu cette pub, il y a un moment. Je ne m'en souvenais plus très bien. Elle est très mignonne, En plus, j'adore le Capuccino. :-) Ha les italiens "sigh" lol thanks

K-ja said...

Hej sweets,
yeah we had that ad a couple of years ago. :-)
Hope you are doing good in London? Everything's alright? And were you able to finish your PhD paper before you had to leave?

Big hug from Köln,


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