
Ist es schlimm??

Ist es schlimm dass ich (ja, muss ich's gestehen...) "Verliebt in Berlin" mag? Tja, nur ein bisschen... Let me try to explain & defend myself… please...?
The "phenomenon" has reached France for a couple of months now and I watched a few episodes and pretty much hated it. No one would deny it is quite ridiculous and boring! But when I searched about "Berlin" on the internet the other day, I came across "Berlin, Berlin" (another show I had heard much praise about and am now eager to watch, I've only seen a 4 min extract on the internet 'cos it's not on tv here, except on the satellite…Schade) but I also found about "Verliebt in Berlin". I didn't know about the German title, but quite intrigued, I followed the link & oh surprise, what did I find, Lisa Plenske and her posse! I couldn't help watch the video (I'm weak, I know, don't mention it ever again, please) and then another one…as if I was addicted to some weird substance. Actually I found the voices much better in their original version (of course) and relished hearing German, and I must admit I was quite happy at myself grasping every word. And the brevity of the video really alleviated the boredom of the real-length thingy.
So, I feel relieved now after that confession!
Hope you're not ashamed of me…
Well, maybe you can have a look at the videos now, I dare you! ;)

Tschüss! (yep, I'm becoming more & more infatuated in German: a side effect of Lisa Plenske's predicament?…I love saying (or writing) that name now, oh Gott, es ist wirklich Schlimm!!)

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