
By way of relaxing interlude: Funny "Six Feet Under" quotes

[In front of a casket]
Elderly Man: You did a real good job on her.
David: Well, we do our best.
Elderly Man: If there's any justice in the universe, she's shoveling shit in hell right now.

Ruth: I joined "The Plan".
Claire: Isn't that like a cult or something?
Nate: No, it' one of those '70s self discovery clubs that yell at you and don't let you go to the bathroom for 12 hours, right?
Ruth: [takes out yogurt cup] I think this will do. All right, I'm leaving you without dinner. I'll be back really late. [leaves]
Claire: This whole concept of mom self-actualizing is making me nauseous.
Nate: You're sure it's that and not the concept of mom pissing in a plastic jar?

Margaret: That white blouse would have worked, if you had gotten rid of that bra.
Brenda: Yeah? Well that skirt would have worked if you had gotten rid of that ass.


K-ja said...

Now I really have to start watching the first season :-) Lucky me that you already have it on DVD ;-)

Hugs and good luck on thursday, hon!!!

Letty said...

Oh, yep, you definitely have to, though, if I remember well, the 2nd quote is from the 2nd season and the 3rd, well, from the 3rd.
I'll try to keep you updated with other crunchy quotes!
Thx for your support & take care of urself

K-ja said...

how was the exam? Hope everything went well.

Letty said...

Ugh, the exam is reported because of that F*** strike at our uni. There was only two of us taking this exam that day (cos for us it is not a "major") and we were so pissed! I was "cut off" from the international scale, i.e no internet access since even the library is closed, so i'm using the library of the University of "law" next to ours. All that mess stresses me out, esp since we have more and more courses to report, and finding a new date won't be that easy or fitting , and I still don't know exactly when the exam is going to be...
And to make things even more pleasant, i caught a bad cold (again, pff)
Anyway, after that flood of complaint, i wish everything is going great for you
Hugs, kram, usw

K-ja said...

I Am sorry to hear that. However I will keep my fingers crossed for u, so hopefully u will get a day which suits u well. At least u get some more time for studying ;-)
Hugs and kisses,

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